Excellence of the Made in Italy
Cavagna Group
Cavagna Group

Corporate Policies and Reports

Reports and materials on different subject areas.

Code of Ethics
Cavagna Group knows that people are a Company’s most important asset. People in Cavagna Group are expected to demonstrate the highest standards of professional conduct. The Group has therefore decided to formalize those principles and rules that have always distinguished its approach to the world of work. The Code of Ethics defines with clarity and transparency the values and the policies of conduct to which the group must comply.
Model 231
“231” Organisational Model
Cavagna Group has adopted the Organisation and Management Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001 to prevent crimes and unlawful practices that may determine the liability of its companies. This document sets out clear codes of conduct inspired by the principles of fairness and transparency that are the heart of our Group, in compliance with the supervisory infrastructure required under the above-mentioned law. The periodical monitoring and implementation of the Model allows to exempt the company adopting the same from liability arising from offences committed in its interest or benefit. The territorial scope of the Model is limited to Italy.
Il D. Lgs. 24/2023, recepisce nell’ordinamento giuridico italiano la normativa comunitaria a tutela dei soggetti che segnalano attività illecite o frodi all’interno di un’organizzazione pubblica o privata, c.d. “whistleblower” (o “Segnalante”). Troverete di seguito le procedure implementate dal Gruppo Cavagna, contenenti le modalità per effettuare una segnalazione, e le informative relative al trattamento di eventuali dati personali.
Trademark Protection

Inquiries for the use of Cavagna Group’s Trademarks and other Intellectual Property Rights
Are you a Cavagna Group’s customer or supplier? Do you wish to use Cavagna Group’s trademarks or other Cavagna Group’s Intellectual Property Rights (i.e. images of products, excerpts from catalogues, etc…) on your website and/or on your social media pages? Please follow the rules outlined below in order to obtain the relevant authorization.

All requests to use Cavagna Group’s trademarks and/or other Cavagna Group’s Intellectual Property Rights must be sent to Cavagna Group Marketing Department via email at trademarkprotection@cavagnagroup.com.

In order to avoid a delay in processing, please always Cc your Cavagna Group’s contact and make sure to provide the information listed below in full:

  • the complete company name of your company;
  • the trademark and/or other Intellectual Property Rights you are seeking permission to use;
  • the website and/or social media channels where the trademark and/or other Intellectual Property Rights would be used;
  • the email address of your company’s authorised signatory

Once received, your request will be processed and a reply will be sent to you in due course.

If your request is accepted, you will receive the Authorization for Trademark and Images Use. In order to comply with the instructions inserted in such document, please find here below the Cavagna Group companies’ Corporate Identity Guidelines.

Italian Transparency Requirements

La società Cavagna Group S.p.A. aderendo a Confindustria Dispositivi Medici, si conforma agli obblighi di trasparenza relativi alla pubblicazione di trasferimenti di valore nei confronti di professionisti del settore sanitario, delle organizzazioni sanitarie e di terze parti.

Nell’anno 2020 Cavagna Group S.p.A. ha effettuato i trasferimenti di valore riportati in questo documento.

Nell’anno 2021 Cavagna Group S.p.A. ha effettuato i trasferimenti di valore riportati in questo documento.

Nell’anno 2022 Cavagna Group S.p.A. ha effettuato i trasferimenti di valore riportati in questo documento.

Nell’anno 2023 Cavagna Group S.p.A. ha effettuato i trasferimenti di valore riportati in questo documento.


Le somme riportate nei prospetti sono espresse in valuta Euro e non tengono conto dell’eventuale imposta sul valore aggiunto.
Nei documenti sono inoltre compresi i trasferimenti di valore effettuati dalla casa madre e dalle altre società appartenenti al Gruppo Cavagna.
Nella redazione del bilancio, la società Cavagna Group S.p.A. e la casa madre Parteca S.p.A. applicano il principio di competenza.

Still have questions? Just ask.

We will be happy to answer all your questions
and support you with our experience.

Cavagna Group