This issue of Coffee With Cavagna will focus on Youth, diversity, and its positive impact on the Group globally.
This is a topic that links with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. In fact, August 12th was the UN’s International Youth Day. Following on from the last edition, a similar feel, but this time let’s see a coffee break discussion between Davide Cavagna, CEO, and Miriam Cavagna, Head of Marketing and Communication (and who also happen to be siblings!).
Davide Cavagna:
So Miriam, it feels a little strange to ‘interview’ you but let’s see how it goes! Considering we are an international company with family values, we have native speakers for pretty much every area where we are present. Why is that one important in our industry to have these backgrounds?
Miriam Cavagna:
Speaking from our own point of view, the Group has around 1,000 employees worldwide, 91% of the turnover comes from export. This is why the Group feels it is important to have mother tongue speakers amongst their staff. Not only to face any language barriers but to really understand different cultures and to harmonise our values in the appropriate way. You know, we are based in Brescia, Italy, and the really interesting thing here is when you walk down the corridors of the Cavagna Group offices, you are met with a breadth of different languages coming from every office. Rino Cavagna himself speaks six languages fluently. Out of the 29 members of the sales team based in Italy, 13 are non-Italian. We recently did a video for LPG Day which showed our young staff speaking in their native tongue
about the benefits of LPG. This video was to highlight that LPG is truly a universal fuel with many shared benefits worldwide.
DC: As the theme of the UN national day is Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health. To which this goal could not be achieved without the input and dedication from young people. Restoring the planet is a hot topic and meeting 2050 climate targets is one of our never-ending focuses. How can our team help to achieve those ambitious targets with us?
MC: In May 2021, the WLPGA started the WLPGA Youth Council. Where members nominate two representatives from their company, under 35, to be part of progressing the Youth of the LPG industry. The industry has been somewhat anchored to traditional approaches and the council was implemented to modernise it with the trends of today. For the WLPGA Youth Council (#YouthWLPGA), Cavagna has nominated two members from the team to represent the company.
Andrea Redaelliand Rebecca Ball will be joining other important industry members, our representatives will push that the Cavagna paths in regards to digitalisation and sustainability will be a focus for their future projects for progression of the industry. Keeping a focus on the original UN goal of planetary health. Cavagna keeps sustainability in the forefront of our minds in every project. We ask ourselves: how can we continuously improve while also making a positive impact on the planet? This comes with looking at all different types of fuels and having a fresh standpoint. I believe that the Youth have more under their belt than just using technology too!
DC: Hopefully giving you all an overview about our business culture can help to relate to the future of our LPG industry. Thanks to the readers of the Voice for having a coffee with us and we will see you next time in the run-up to Dubai LPG Week!
Created in collaboration with the World LPG Association in The Voice Magazine.