We understand the need for people to remain active when it comes to living with a lung disease that requires using additional oxygen and in order to do so, they need lightweight and portable solutions.
Looking at the benefits of portable oxygen, people get out of the house and remain engaged in life outside their home. While out, using oxygen makes it easier to do more, brain thinks more clearly — and people are much happier when in the company of others. Today’s portable oxygen technology allows you to utilize portable oxygen therapy 24 hours a day, every day, anywhere.
Oxygen can be delivered by three types of devices: oxygen concentrator, liquid system or oxygen in a metal cylinder.
Oxygen gas is stored in steel and aluminum tanks or cylinders. These tanks come in many sizes; larger ones are usually used at home and smaller ones are used when you leave the house.
Viproxy® Atom, Compact Advanced Medical valve with integrated pressure regulator provides an easy – to – use package for those who need medical oxygen from portable cylinders. Viproxy® Atom works reliably in home care Oxygen therapy and can be carried just about anywhere.
It is easy to use because the oxygen regulator and the gas supply valve are combined and enduringly attached to the gas cylinder as one system.
The valve was designed not only to be reliable under all operating conditions, but already in the design phase a distinctive target was set to make use and operating features simple and carefree. For the fully equipped version the total weight with protection cap is 900 gr.
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